Sunday, September 21, 2008

ISO (week2 of photography class-ISO and Shutter speed)

Ok so your ISO is you "amount of available light" feature. If you outside on a bright sunny day you want a low ISO-100. Best general ISO-200-400. If you indoors with low light you want a higher ISO-800-1600. But why not just leave it at 1600 all the time to make sure enough light gets in--because you lose some quality in the picture.

Examples of ISO in the hotel room--troy was working lol.
Everything about these pictures are the same except ISO settings, you can see the higher the ISO number the brighter (indoors) but the more grainy it looks. (tomorrow shutter speed--I know you just dying for that) HAHAHAHA

ISO 0f 1600
ISO of 800
ISO of 400
ISO of 200
ISO of 100
Auto ISO (so I am guessing the Auto focus put it at ISO of 800)