Monday, July 18, 2016

Reminiscing of roadlife! And NOLA zoo day.

Tonight we went out for dinner with a crew while in New Orleans for a quick job. Meeting a new roadwife and chatting with her made me really miss our roadlife.  I shared this blog with her and looked back at all our great moments. I had forgotten some already. And I noticed that I haven't continued with this blog much. After noticing how much I have all ready forgotten I decided to kick it back into gear. Unfortunately we didn't get a group picture at dinner but I did take the kids to the zoo today so I will share those.

Some of our favorite creatures--
Yes it has TWO HEADS!!!!! Yes it's REAL AND ALIVE!!!

Unfortunately but luckily it rained, no it downpoured, on us while there. Unlucky because we weren't prepared. But roadwives are used to that so we improvise! One "poncho" coming up..... (Yes it's a garbage bag lol) I made a "hooded cape" for my backpack and me and london just danced in the rain. 
The luckily it rained part is because the "monkey hill" was soaking wet and made for an awesome mud slide!

We went to an amazing museum yesterday so I'll add those also! (But predate them)