And The kids wanted to do something to help the homeless and decided they would make and give out some homeless care packages. We have done little 1 gallon ziplock bag ones before, but decided to go bigger this time. We asked for donations and got many good items and more items we couldn't even use. We also made a gofund me page and made a few hundred dollars! I don't think I will use Gofund me again because you have to pay a percentage of donations to them (I believe it was 10%). This time we did full backpacks filled with items like...shampoo/conditioner, deoderant, q tips, tide sink packets, snacks, water, notepads/pens, underwear, socks, meds, baby wipes, toothpaste/brush, razors/shaving cream, emergency blankets, extra bags...and a few even with gift cards to restaurants. The kids also made cards letting them know we love them and haven't forgot them. Here is some of the stash and two finished bags.
Lesco 5 0 20 Summer Fertilizer
1 year ago
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