Today I got my Mother's Day gift. I had microdermabrasion and photo facial done. Wow they aren't kidding when the explain it like "snaps from a rubber band"... more painful than a tattoo. Can't really tell a difference, but i'm suppose to look forward to some skin sloughing...oh joy. I hope I look hot later :D Hopefully this thing goes away or gets lighter...oh the joys of getting old.

Also got a "love tap" from a new driver here in Houston a couple days ago. So I had to get estimates for the repairs... anyone want to guess how much? (looks like about $1300)
Since Troy changes to 1/2 days on fridays during the summer we all went out to lunch. Tried a new place and jo was a fan of the music so she put on my glasses and would get up and dance randomly throughout our meal.

Also got a "love tap" from a new driver here in Houston a couple days ago. So I had to get estimates for the repairs... anyone want to guess how much? (looks like about $1300)
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