Every tue we have gymnastic class at Cypress Gymnastics Academy (two of the men's Olympics team 2012 train here!) . London does his own class, currently with Coach Mike. And jordan and I do the mommy and me class with Coach Karen. My iphone is not so great at photos in poor light places, let alone sports ones but you will get the idea.
Today london learned a new thing... "be tight". Coach mike had him lay down on the trampoline and tried to get him to stay tight like a stiff board. Then Mike bounces the trampoline hard so london is shot up in the air...and its pretty high! London of course loved this!!!! I have to admit I wanted to try also.
London has now mastered his "seat jumps". This is where you jump high then land on your butt and when you bounce up you have to land on your feet next.

In Mommy and me class we worked on back rolls. Jo is a little show off in class and catches on fast! I'm always surprised how well she does. (don't mind the yellow underwear, she has no butt and its hard to find leotards that fit a 20lber!).
So here she is doing back roll off the mat into the pit.

And here she is doing a back roll on the balance beam!!!! She needs a touch of help at the end but it seems she was made to do gymnastics.
Looks like it was a good day at the gym!
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