Can't remember if I explained what Geocaching is in the past. Its basically a hightech treasure hunt for people of all ages. I search on to find coordinates for these little caches, put them in my phone or GPS and then go searching for them. Its a nice way to tour a new place since the locals who place them usually do so in a spot they like. So today we took the car and headed out. I found a few! Kuwait only has 17 caches that are not on a military base, so it will be pretty easy for me to get them all while here. I will not bother showing you all the caches I got today but one of them took us to the Kuwait towers so here is a picture of that :) We didn't go in today since we were just driving around getting a feel for the area, but we plan to!
Lesco 5 0 20 Summer Fertilizer
1 year ago
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