Merry Christmas everyone!!! Santa was good to us and was able to find us at Uncle Jeremy/Aunt Katie's house!
Jordan's entire Christmas wish list was "flowers". She even wrote a letter to Santa asking for some.
She also got LEGOs, a MP3 player, oil pastels, unicorn/elf figurine, fill in word story books, LEGO toy story mini figures, bike wheel lights, socks and an orange (already eaten!).
London had more "expensive" taste. Lol he requested THE LEGO Castle!
And also..
LEGO contraptions kit, Tell Tale game, fill in word books, bike wheel lights, toy story mini figures, "Peter pan" elf figurine, socks and an orange.
And Santa didn't forget parents!
Troy got an iPad case and a whale shark figurine/toy.
Mama got some LEGO baseplates and the research institute LEGO kit!!!! (All female scientists!)
And Santa decided to show off by giving us an hour of falling snow! Which we watched from inside. :)