Saturday, April 25, 2009

Kindle 2

No more books! I FINALLY got my Kindle 2 Reader!!!!! If you have no idea what I'm taking about-----its a little electronic book reader. It hold about 1,500 books in this thing (so it WAY cuts down on my weight of luggage!). And the screen is JUST like a book---I'm not kidding! So far I love it!
Look what size it fits in my purse....(i put a CD next to it so you have a reference)


Jeff and Mia said...

Let me know what you think of it. I've been contemplating, but I heard there were lots of problems with the Kindle 2 and the Kindle original isn't available anymore, so I've been hesitant.

Amy, David, Cambria, and Baylen said...

OMG I want a kindle!!!! Let me know how you like It!!!