Monday, April 21, 2008


Today it rained all day. So there was not much outside stuff to do. However I did get an email that my little man-Sandy (Jack Russell Terrier who turned 5 yrs old on April 1st) did get his teeth cleaned and everything looks good. So in honor of my little Sandman, here a few photos of him!

This was one of his first photos-8 weeks old.My Little Broncos Fan-the jersey was a gift from his oma Rabenberg (oma is Grandma in German in case you were wondering)
This last one is the last time we saw him. May 2007-we took him for a hike up the Rockies. He loves to hike.
We really hope to get back to CO and see our babies (Sandy and Belle) again soon. Its by far the hardest part of traveling-leaving your kids at "camp".


Unknown said...

Looking good A. Keep on truckin!

Amy, David, Cambria, and Baylen said...

awww, so cute! he looks so happy!!!

Unknown said...

Such a cute dog. Hope you see the kids soon!